class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Local vs Global: Challenges in Geoinformatics and Earth observation to support sustainable development .my-logo-right[] ] .subtitle[ ##
] .author[ ### Dr Victor Maus
.font80[Institute for Ecological Economics
Vienna University of Economics and Business]
] ] .date[ ### .right[.font80[Nov 21, 2022, SEED KTH, Stockholm].footnote-right[Except where otherwise noted, content on these slides is licensed under
CC BY-SA 4.0 license
]] ] --- # Global Resorce Use Research Group (GRU) The overarch aim of GRU is to quantifying society's use of natural resources and its impacts globally ### Develop methods and data for the spatially explicit assessment of resource flows - Global Material Flows Database - Global mining land use - Food and Agriculture Biomass Input-Output Database (FABIO) ### State-of-the-art visualization tools to support UN SDGs monitoring - Material flow Analysis Portal - Sustainable Consumption and Production Hotspot Analysis Tool (SCP-HAT) - FINEPRINT geospatial data portal - And more --- class: clear background-image: url( background-size: cover .cc-bottom-right2.font-dark[ Figure: © 2021 Center for Global Development ] ## **Linking global economic drivers of local changes is critical to support sustainable development** --- class: clear,center,top[ **Global mineral extraction is growing fast increasing the impacts and pressures in extractive regions worldwide** ] <img src="./../img/scp-hat-sweden-consumption-2018.png" width="850"/> .cc-bottom-right3.font-dark[ Source: [SCP-HAT]( ] --- layout: false class: clear, center background-image: url( background-size: cover .cc-bottom-right.font-light[Photo Brumadinho, Minas Gerais by Vinícius Mendonça/Ibama <a href="">CC BY-SA 2.0</a>] <!-- background-image: url( --> <!-- background-size: cover --> <!-- .cc-bottom-left.font-light[Photo <a href="">NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Caption by Adam Voiland. Public domain</a>] -->[ **The mining industry does not disclose the geospatial information necessary for sustainability assessments** ] <!-- --- --> <!-- layout: false --> <!-- class: clear, middle, center --> <!-- background-image: url(./../img/Aerial-view-of-a-small-mine-near-Mt-Isa-Queensland-by-denisbin--CC-BY-ND-2-0.jpg) --> <!-- background-size: cover --> <!-- .cc-bottom-left.font-light[ --> <!-- Photo Aerial view of a small mine near Mt Isa Queensland" by denisbin <a href="">CC BY-ND 2.0</a> --> <!-- ] --> <!--[ --> <!-- **The mining industry does not disclose the geospatial information necessary for sustainability assessments** --> <!-- ] --> --- layout: false class: clear, center background-image: url( background-size: cover .cc-bottom-left.font-light[Image: © <a href="">European Space Agency (ESA)</a>] .center.font150.font-light[**Earth observation is the only viable data source for timely global assessments**] --- layout: false class: clear, middle, center background-size: cover .font-dark.left.font150[**Global datasets derived from Earth observation lack local relevance**] <img src="./../img/esa-cci-carajas.png" height="550"/> .footnote-right[[Map from ESA CCI Land cover viewer](] --- layout: false class: clear, middle, center .center.font150[**With little training, humans can distinguish urban from mines in satellite images**][[ **Open cut of the Carajás Iron Mine, Brazil** ] <div class="copyright-container"> <img src="./../img/carajas-mine-satellite.png" height="450"/> <div class="copyright-bottom-left2 font-light">Figure: <a href="">FINEPRINT Viewer</a></div> </div> ][[ **Urban area of the Parauapebas municipality, Brazil** ] <div class="copyright-container"> <img src="./../img/parauapebas-city-satellite.png" height="450"/> <div class="copyright-bottom-left2 font-light">Figure: <a href="">FINEPRINT Viewer</a></div> </div> ] --- layout: false class: clear, middle, center background-image: url(./../img/global-mining-map.png) .footnote-right[.font-light[Figure: [FINEPRINT Viewer](]]] .footnote-left[[Maus et al. (2020, 2022)](] .left-column.pl1.mt0.font120.left.bottom.font-light[ <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> **45,000 Polygons** **100,000 km²** ] --- layout: false class: clear, center .center.font170[**How to automatically monitor the expansion of mining?**] <img src="./../img/mine-time-tag.png" height="500"/> .footnote-left[Luckeneder & Maus (Under review)] --- layout: false class: clear, middle .center[ <img src="./../img/example-cnn-coal-mine-classification.png" height="300"/> ] <br><br> .center.font190[**Deep neural networks show promising results in delineating coal mining open pit with overall accuracy between 85% and 90%**] .footnote-left[Maus et al. (Ongoing)] --- layout: false class: clear, middle, center[[ **Regular spatial patterns** ] <div class="copyright-container"> <img src="./../img/dog-by-Tiina-Hayha-CC-BY-SA-4-0.jpg" height="450"/> <div class="copyright-bottom-left2 font-light">Photo by Tiina Häyhä <a href=''>CC BY-SA 4.0 license</a></div> </div> ][[ **Irregular spatial patterns** ] <div class="copyright-container"> <img src="./../img/carajas-mine-satellite-dog.png" height="450"/> <div class="copyright-bottom-left2 font-light">Figure: <a href="">Google Maps</a></div> </div> ] .center.font160[**Mapping mining areas requires spatial context, e.g. edges and relative size of objects. However, the spatial context of mines is highly heterogeneous**] --- layout: false class: clear, middle, center[**How to cope with different types of mining areas, e.g. small-scale mining and large-scale industrial mining?**][[ **Small scale mining in Itaituba National Forest, Brazil** ] <div class="copyright-container"> <img src="./../img/small-scale-mining-brazil.png" height="450"/> </div> ][[ **Super pit gold mine, Australia** ] <div class="copyright-container"> <img src="./../img/large-scale-mining-australia.png" height="450"/> </div> ] --- layout: false class: clear, middle, center .pull-left[ .font-dark.left.font160.left[ Machine learning algorithms trained with non-representative spatial distribution samples produce unreliable results! ]][ <div class="copyright-container"> <img src="" height="600"/> <div class="copyright-bottom-left2 font-light"><a href="">Meyer & Pebesma, 2022</a></div> </div> ] --- layout: false class: clear, middle, center, font-dark background-size: cover[ ## Geoinformatics and Earth observation for sustainable development ] <img src="./../img/big-EO.png" height="350"/>[ **Earth observation data and processing infrastructure are available, however, it is still challenging to produce trustworthy global information that is locally relevant** ] --- layout: false class: clear, hide-count, middle, left .pull-left.left[ Dr Victor Maus<br>.font100[Institute for Ecological Economics<br>Vienna University of Economics and Business]<br>.font100[]<br>.font100[<a href=''></a>]<br> <img src="./../img/" height="190"/> ] .pull-right.right[ <img src="" height="150"/> ] .right[ .font80[Nov 21, 2022, SEED KTH, Stockholm]<br> .font150[Thank you!] ]