class: top, left, title-slide .title[ # .font90[
Trends in Deforestation Due to Global Mining
] ] .author[ ###
Dr Victor Maus ] .institute[ ### .font70[Institute for Ecological Economics
Vienna University of Economics and Business
] .date[ ### .lut-illustration[].wu-logo-mtg[].copyright-bottom-right.font60[OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains, Paris, May 22
, 2024] ] --- layout: false class: clear .footnote-left[Source: Maus et al., (Under Review)] .center[ <img src="./img/slide-barplot-top-three-countries.png" width="95%" /> ] --- layout: false class: clear .footnote-left[Source: Maus et al., (Under Review)] .center[ <img src="./img/slide-barplot-top-three-countries.png" width="95%" /> ] .center[ <img src="./img/slide-barplot-commodities.png" width="95%" /> ] --- # Forest Loss Due to Mining in Brazil .center[ <img src="./img/slide-barplot-brazil.png" width="95%" /> ] .footnote-left[Source: Maus et al., (Under Review)] <!-- --- # Indirect Forest Loss .center[ <img src="" width="75%" /> ] .footnote-left[Source: [Giljum et al., 2022 PNAS](] --> --- # Forest Loss on Minerals Supply Chain .center[ <img src="" width="90%" /> ] .footnote-left[Source: Luckeneder et al., (Under Review)] --- class: title, no-number # Thank you! .lut-illustration-large[].wu-logo-mtg[].copyright-bottom-right.font60[OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains, Paris, May 22<sup>th</sup>, 2024] .pull-left.left[ Dr Victor Maus<br>.font90[Institute for Ecological Economics<br>Vienna University of Economics and Business]<br>.font90[]<br>.font90[<a href=''></a>]<br> <img src="./../img/" height="190"/> ]